Testing with a Flow Meter

This is a preview of a lesson from course 102 of Fire Pump Academy.

Take this class online and earn continuing education units for your Cal Fire fitter card.

Being able to understand how to test with a flow meter will equip you to be a better fire sprinkler fitter.


This eBook and its contents are not a formal interpretation of any codes that pertain to fire pumps. It is the personal opinion of the author and does not necessarily present the official position of NFPA or CalFire or any manufactures mention in this article. Consider this eBook as an asset to help you understand and prioritize your skill set to make yourself a better sprinkler fitter.

For formal interpretations on codes contact NFPA, CalFire or your local AHJ.

Your best resource for fire pump knowledge is your local fire pump representative. Your local fire pump rep knows what pump will work for any given application as well as local codes and the latest industry standards. Don’t forget to tap this resource to make yourself a better-informed fire sprinkler fitter.

A correctly installed Venturi meter.

An incorrectly installed Venturi meter.

aurora fire pump

This Venturi meter is installed correctly. Note it has plenty of straight pipe before and after, plus it has a ball valve on top to vent the air. This installer did it right!