flow test to atmosphere

Our Services

aurora fire pump

Fire Pump Equipment Supply

The Brown Company sells fire pumps, controllers, jockey pumps, and many other fire pump accessories. Please inquire by contacting us or requesting a quote.

Testing and Inspection

The Brown Company is in compliance with NFPA and Cal-Fire and performs the necessary fire pump tests and system inspections to ensure your building is up to code in California, Nevada, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. These tests include annual inspections as well as 5-year inspections. We also do insurance audits for AHJs (authorities having jurisdiction). Please enquire for other specific information on testing and inspection.

flow test to atmosphere

Maintenance, Repairs, and Support

The Brown Company offers maintenance and repair service for customers’ fire pumps and fire pump systems.


The Brown Company provides online education on fire pumps, fire pump accessories, and fire pump system through its Fire Pump Academy. The classes offered are accredited by Cal-Fire and will provide you with continuing education units for your sprinkler fitter card. Visit our page Cal Fire CEUs for more information.

Fire Pump Academy website